Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Very amazing software used for drawing longtidunal sections (profiles)

Pipe2CAD is an AutoCAD add-on which can be used efficiently to complete the design work of pipe networks, such as water supply, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage networks.
After finishing the hydraulic design of your pipe networks with any of the available hydraulic design packages, networks are easily imported into Pipe2CAD environment to proceed with all subsequent design steps. From checking interference points and conflicts between different networks, verification of low and high points in pressure networks, and editing networks by adding, deleting, or adjusting pipes; to finally producing fully formatted plan views and longitudinal profiles, ready for submission.

For any questions don’t hesitate to ask me  

Design of Sewers part 2

Sewer Appurtenances

Sewer appurtenances are the various accessories on the sewerage system and are necessary for the efficient operation of the system. They include man holes, lamp holes, street inlets, catch basins, inverted siphons, and so on.

Man-holes: Man holes are the openings of either circular or rectangular in shape constructed on the alignment of a sewer line to enable a person to enter the sewer for inspection, cleaning and flushing. They serve as ventilators for sewers, by the provisions of perforated man-hole covers. Also they facilitate the laying of sewer lines in convenient length.

Man-holes are provided at all junctions of two or more sewers, whenever diameter of sewer changes, whenever direction of sewer line changes and when sewers of different elevations join together.

Special Man-holes:

Junction chambers: Man-hole constructed at the intersection of two large sewers.

Drop man-hole: When the difference in elevation of the invert levels of the incoming and outgoing sewers of the man-hole is more than 60 cm, the interception is made by dropping the incoming sewer vertically outside and then it is jointed to the man-hole chamber.

Flushing man-holes: They are located at the head of a sewer to flush out the deposits in the sewer with water.

Lamp-holes: Lamp holes are the openings constructed on the straight sewer lines between two man-holes which are far apart and permit the insertion of a lamp into the sewer to find out obstructions if any inside the sewers from the next man-hole.

Street inlets: Street inlets are the openings through which storm water is admitted and conveyed to the storm sewer or combined sewer. The inlets are located by the sides of pavement with maximum spacing of 30 m.

Catch Basins: Catch basins are small settling chambers of diameter 60 - 90 cm and 60 - 75 cm deep, which are constructed below the street inlets. They interrupt the velocity of storm water entering through the inlets and allow grit, sand, debris and so on to settle in the basin, instead of allowing them to enter into the sewers.

Inverted siphons: These are depressed portions of sewers, which flow full under pressure more than the atmospheric pressure due to flow line being below the hydraulic grade line. They are constructed when a sewer crosses a stream or deep cut or road or railway line. To clean the siphon pipe sluice valve is opened, thus increasing the head causing flow. Due to increased velocity deposits of siphon pipe are washed into the sump, from where they are removed.

Pumping of Sewage

Pumping of sewage is required when it is not possible to have a gravitational flow for the entire sewerage project.

Sufficient pumping capacity has to be provided to meet the peak flow, atleast 50% as stand by.

Types of pumps :
Centrifugal pumps either axial, mixed and radial flow.
Pneumatic ejector pumps.

Design of Sewers part 1

Design of Sewers

The hydraulic design of sewers and drains, which means finding out their sections and gradients, is generally carried out on the same lines as that of the water supply pipes. However, there are two major differences between characteristics of flows in sewers and water supply pipes. They are:
The sewage contain particles in suspension, the heavier of which may settle down at the bottom of the sewers, as and when the flow velocity reduces, resulting in the clogging of sewers. To avoid silting of sewers, it is necessary that the sewer pipes be laid at such a gradient, as to generate self cleansing velocities at different possible discharges.
The sewer pipes carry sewage as gravity conduits, and are therefore laid at a continuous gradient in the downward direction upto the outfall point, from where it will be lifted up, treated and disposed of.

Hazen-William's formula

             U=0.85 C rH0.63S0.54

Manning's formula

             U=1/n rH2/3S1/2

where, U= velocity, m/s; rH= hydraulic radius,m; S= slope, C= Hazen-William's coefficient, and n = Manning's coefficient.

Darcy-Weisbach formula


Minimum Velocity

The flow velocity in the sewers should be such that the suspended materials in sewage do not get silted up; i.e. the velocity should be such as to cause automatic self-cleansing effect. The generation of such a minimum self cleansing velocity in the sewer, atleast once a day, is important, because if certain deposition takes place and is not removed, it will obstruct free flow, causing further deposition and finally leading to the complete blocking of the sewer.

Maximum Velocity

The smooth interior surface of a sewer pipe gets scoured due to continuous abrasion caused by the suspended solids present in sewage. It is, therefore, necessary to limit the maximum velocity in the sewer pipe. This limiting or non-scouring velocity will mainly depend upon the material of the sewer.

Effects of Flow Variation on Velocity in a Sewer

Due to variation in discharge, the depth of flow varies, and hence the hydraulic mean depth (r) varies. Due to the change in the hydraulic mean depth, the flow velocity (which depends directly on r2/3) gets affected from time to time. It is necessary to check the sewer for maintaining a minimum velocity of about 0.45 m/s at the time of minimum flow (assumed to be 1/3rd of average flow). The designer should also ensure that a velocity of 0.9 m/s is developed atleast at the time of maximum flow and preferably during the average flow periods also. Moreover, care should be taken to see that at the time of maximum flow, the velocity generated does not exceed the scouring value.


Nearly one billion gallons of water are processed on an average day at James W. Jardine Water Purification Plant, which is located next to Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois. This plant and the South Water Purification Plant serve nearly 5 million consumers in the City of Chicago and 118 outlying suburbs. Engineers at the plant are using ALGOR’s complete suite of simulation tools to formulate modifications that improve the water purification process.
Nearly one billion gallons of water are processed on an average day at the James W. Jardine Water Purification Plant in Chicago, Illinois, the largest water treatment plant in the world. This plant and the South Water Purification Plant serve nearly 5 million consumers in the City of Chicago and 118 outlying suburbs. With that volume of water to purify, the chemical treatment process must be as efficient and effective as possible. Recently, the Jardine plant needed to change the location at which activated carbon is added in order to increase its contact time with water. Engineers at the plant studied the water flow patterns in the intake area with ALGOR’s Fluid Flow Analysis software to find the optimal feed point at which to add the carbon so that dispersion time would be minimized. 
Approaching this challenge with computer simulation tools diverges from the water industry’s standard practice of building scale models and performing tests in a laboratory. The use of ALGOR’s Fluid Flow Analysis software enabled water plant engineers to determine the best location for the activated carbon feed point in less time and with less expense than would have been possible with a traditional, laboratory testing approach. 

The First Step in a Seven-Hour Water Purification Process

There are a number of steps in the 7-hour water purification process, which consists of chemical treatment with activated carbon, polyphosphate, chlorine, fluoride, alum (aluminum sulfate) and polyelectrolyte, followed by sedimentation and filtration. Each chemical additive serves a different purpose, such as killing bacteria, aiding in the removal of micro-organisms or preventing tooth decay. Activated carbon is the first chemical treatment, added to remove objectionable tastes and odors. The tiny carbon particles are tremendously absorbent, like a sponge. In order for it to do its job, the activated carbon must mix thoroughly within the water for as long as possible. 
Adding activated carbon to lake water is the first step of many in the 7-hour water purification process. The diagram above shows a generalized, schematic view of the process used by the City of Chicago Department of Water to purify Lake Michigan water. Activated carbon is used to remove objectionable tastes and odors and must mix thoroughly within the water for as long as possible in order to be effective.

 In the late 1990s, engineers for the City of Chicago Department of Water determined that the activated carbon feed should be moved to the intake basins through which lake water enters the plant. Each spring, plant workers drain and clean each of the two intake basins. Water plant workers have only a short window of time each year to clean the basins and make any needed modifications. The activated carbon feed line was extended and mounted on the inside wall of each intake basin, over a small ledge – a location that was selected for installation convenience. 
This modification achieved the goal of increasing contact time that the carbon has with the water. Next, Department of Water Filtration Engineer Anthony Wietrzak, Ph.D., P.E. turned his attention to the challenge of optimizing the dispersion and mixing of carbon within the water. This challenge required Wietrzak to study the hydraulics of the water flow within the intake basin. 
“The water industry’s standard practice for approaching such a problem is to build a scale model and perform tests in a laboratory,” said Wietrzak. “Unfortunately, this process is time-consuming and expensive. Chicago’s Bureau of Water Treatment engineering section at the Jardine Water Purification Plant acquired ALGOR’s Professional Multiphysics software package several years ago to provide computer simulation tools for just such a challenge.” In addition to the unsteady laminar fluid flow analysis capabilities Wietrzak would use for this project, the Professional Multiphysics package also offers static stress with linear and nonlinear material models, Mechanical Event Simulation with linear and nonlinear material models, steady and unsteady laminar fluid flow analysis with turbulence, steady-state and transient heat transfer analysis, electrostatic analysis, vibration analysis and the capability to consider the effects of multiple physical phenomena.

Pump Cells Analyzed to Determine Inputs for the Intake Basin Model

To analyze the flow pattern within the intake basin, Wietrzak had to start with the physical characteristic of the system that he knew quantitatively: the capacity of each of the pumps that pulls water from the intake basin into the water treatment plant and the physical dimensions of the intake area. Wietrzak did not want to assume that the flow was uniform coming out of the intake basin. That assumption could result in an unrealistic flow pattern within the intake basin. Thus, he would have to model the pump cells in addition to the intake basin. However, modeling both the pump cells and the intake basin would result in a very large model. Wietrzak was concerned that his computer hardware would not process such a large model and achieve solution convergence in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, Wietrzak decided to model and analyze one pump cell and the intake basin separately. The pump cell model results at the boundary between the intake basin and the pump cell would determine the input for the intake basin model. 
Wietrzak began by modeling the volume within a pump cell in Superdraw III, ALGOR’s precision finite element model building tool. The pump cell model resulted in 6,492 solid “brick” elements. Wietrzak applied zero velocity constraints to the surfaces on the walls of the pump cell. To the free surface at the top of the pump cell, he applied a zero shear constraint. Next, Wietrzak converted the pump capacity of 300 million gallons per day to a volumetric flow rate in feet per second. The flow rate was then applied to the pump cell outlet as a velocity boundary constraint. No constraints were placed on the inlet to the pump cell. 

An unsteady fluid flow analysis was performed on the pump cell model with the applied velocities ramping up over 50 time steps. Performing an unsteady fluid flow analysis and ramping up the velocities over time facilitated convergence.

Wietrzak first analyzed one of the pump cells that pulls water out of the intake basin and into the water treatment plant. The known pump capacity was used as the input to the analysis in order to find the velocity profile at the inlet to the pump cell. The sketch shows where the water enters and exits the pump cell (upper left) while the velocity contour resulting from the ALGOR fluid flow analysis shows the fluid dynamics within the volume of the pump cell. 

“The largest assumption I made for the pump cell model is that the flow is uniform coming out of the pump,” said Wietrzak. “I ran several variations of the pump cell model in which I varied the outlet velocity constraints at the pump discharge and none made a significant difference in the velocity profile at the inlet to the pump cell. All models yielded higher velocities at the top of the entrance and lower velocities near the bottom. Since I was concerned only with the velocity profile boundary condition at the outlet of the basin (which is also the inlet to the pump cell), I am satisfied that this is a sensible assumption.”
Running several variations on the pump cell model gave Wietrzak the opportunity to experiment with different model constraint techniques and gauge the effectiveness of those techniques in terms of model convergence. “I know the theory and how to handle problems with a textbook approach. However, there were several constraint techniques that I needed to learn in order to run this model and get realistic results,” said Wietrzak, who holds a Ph.D. in fluid dynamics from Northwestern University. “For example, the free surface boundary condition had to be properly applied in order to get the solution to converge. ALGOR’s technical support team was very helpful in answering any questions that arose during the solution process.” 

Intake Basin Model Reveals the Need to Change Activated Carbon Feed Point

Armed with the results of the pump cell fluid flow analysis, Wietrzak was ready to tackle the intake basin model. He began by modeling the volume within the basin in Superdraw III, a model which resulted in 8,138 solid “brick” elements. As with the pump cell model, Wietrzak applied zero velocity constraints to the surfaces on the walls of the basin and zero shear constraints to the free surface. The velocity results of the pump cell analysis were then applied to the area where the basin connects to the pump cells. An unsteady fluid flow analysis was performed on the intake basin model with the applied velocities ramping up over 50 time steps. 
The simulated velocity profile at the inlet to the pump cell was applied to the intake basin model. The sketch shows where the water enters and exits the intake basin (upper left); the location of the original activated carbon feed point (Add Point 1); and the location of the new feed point based on analysis results (Add Point 2). The velocity contour resulting from the ALGOR fluid flow analysis shows the fluid dynamics within the volume of the intake basin. 

Wietrzak then studied the simulated flow patterns by slicing through the model layer by layer and viewing the flow patterns throughout the model. He also used animated analysis replays to see how the solution progressed over time. He discovered a recirculation pattern next to the wall, very near to the current feed point. “The feed point is located above a narrow ledge,” describes Wietrzak. “The flow pattern predicted that the carbon would tend to be dragged along the ledge rather than mixing quickly and thoroughly with water throughout the volume of the basin. Our observations of the carbon deposits qualitatively confirmed the fluid flow analysis results.”
Wietrzak therefore determined that the activated carbon feed pipe should be moved out between 5 and 10 feet from the wall in order to maximize mixing. This modification was implemented in one of the two intake basins in the Spring of 2000. 
Wietrzak has also used the ALGOR Multiphysics package to model other areas of the plant that may benefit from modifications. For example, since completing the activated carbon feed point project, Wietrzak has studied the effectiveness of the air scrubber system on exchanging the air in the chlorine battery room, from where chlorine is supplied for the treatment process. The scrubber releases caustic gas to neutralize airborne chlorine. Wietrzak used fluid flow analysis to find the “dead spots” in the air flow. 
“We do not redesign everything, but ALGOR’s complete suite of simulation tools is enabling us to formulate modifications that improve the water purification process,” said Wietrzak. “The variety of simulation tools offered by the Professional Multiphysics package will enable us to study many phenomena on the computer and make many enhancements without the need for laboratory testing.”

Sewage Water Treatment

There are many Chemical Physical and Biological methods for treatment of aqueous waste waters. Most combination of these chemical, Physical and biological treatments is necessary to remove contaminants effectively.
The method has to be determined based on the requirement of the waste water and its contaminants.
Simple Household Sewer Treatment
Septic system:  Though simple but very important system covering rural and urban areas in most of the developed and under developing countries.
Septic systems are constituted of number pipe lines by which the house hold aqueous waste water is drained to a series of tanks which are connected by pipe lines. The first tank is connected to inlet line and the last to outlet.
The septic tank has two chambers usually each with manhole and separated by a wall that has opening on the roof and floor of the tank.
The household waste water enters the first chamber of the first tank; at this point, the solids settle to the bottom and the scum floats to the top. The solids are settled and digested, which lessens the content of the tank. The remaining liquid flows through the dividing wall and into the second chamber. Here, further settlement takes place so that the excess liquid becomes nearly clear and empties into the drainage field, also known as the leech field. The remaining impurities of the water are then broken down into the soil and taken to irrigate plants around.

Conventional Municipal Waste Water Treatment

Conventional municipal waste-water treatment, preliminary steps include, screening to remove large solids. Grit removal to protect mechanical equipment against abrasive wear

Flow measuring and pumping to lift the waste water.
Primary treatment is to remove settle able organic matter accounting to percent of suspended solids and scum.
Secondary treatment is by aeration in open basins with return biological solids or fixed media followed by final setting excess microbial growth settled out in the final clarifier is wasted while the supernatant is disinfected with chlorine prior to discharge to a receiving water course.
Waste sludge’s from primary settling and secondary biological flocculation are thickened and dewatered for preparation to disposal.
Anaerobic bacterial digestion may be used to stabilize the sludge prior to dewatering.
The overall process of conventional waste water treatment` can be viewed as, thickening: to percent depending upon the plant Solvents moved from solution are concentrated in a small volume convenient for final disposal.
The contribution of raw sanitary waste water is about gallons per person with a total solid content of 0.1 percent.
240mgs/l suspended solids.
200 mgs of B.O.D
Liquid waste sludge is withdrawn from primary and secondary processing amounts to approximately 2l/persons with a solids content of 5 percent by weight.
This is further concentrated to handle able material by mechanical dewatering, the extracted water is returned for reprocessing. Cake , amounts to about 1/3l/l  with a 30 percent solid concentration from vacuum filter which is used in large plants to extract water directly  from raw sludge.
This type of physical -biological scheme is effective in reducing the organic content of waste water and the main objective is maximum reduction of suspended solids and BOD

Sewage Definition

Sewage water is generated from domestic, factories and agricultural activities. Domestic waste water is called as sewage

Sources of sewage
Sources of sewage
  • waste water from kitchen and bathroom is called gray-water or sullage
  • waste water from toilet is called excreta or black- water
Sewage water consists of 99.3 to 99.7 % of liquid state and 0.3 to 0.7% of solids state.
The solids present in the sewage water are of two types
  1. Organic solids
  2. Inorganic solids.
Organic solids are the substances derived from living things like produces from plant and animal. The organic solids undergo decomposition by the microorganisms.
Examples : carbohydrate, protein & fat.
Inorganic solids are inert materials that they do not undergo decomposition by the microorganisms and are inert fixed solids.
Examples: Grit, Salt, Chemicals, Metals etc.
These two states are mainly degradation of the environment if they are discharged into the environment as such.
If these solids are removed  from the sewage water by Treatment process the water can be reclaimed and reused.
Composition of Sewage
Composition of Sewage

How Much Does a New Septic System Cost?

One of the biggest disadvantages of septic systems is that they do not come in standard sizes and prices. You cannot just walk into a shop, point to one and say, “I will take that one. How much for it?” Rather you have the difficult task of doing a bit of research and then coming to an estimate of the price that you would have to pay for septic system. Further, the estimate may not be accurate and you may have pay additional money. Here we give you a handy guide on what all the factors are that you should consider when deciding on a new septic system cost.
Septic system cost varies depending on a number of different factors, such as, the area where you live, the type and quality of the septic system that you want installed, the material costs, not only of the septic system, but the fees applicable in your area, and finally the labor charges of the company that will actually install the septic system for you. Regional differences in cost are one of the largest factors in price variation in an installation. In some states and regions of the US you can get a septic system installed for $3,000- $5,000, but in other regions it will cost much more. For example, one of my friends in Massachusetts had to pay close to $15,000 for his!
Another factor is the material used in the construction of the septic tank. Tanks made of concrete are cheaper than ones made out of high-density polyethylene. However, the disadvantage is that concrete tanks do not last as long. Aerobic septic systems cost even more because they requireseptic tank alarms and sometimes lift-pumps.

New Septic System Cost Estimates

One of the very first actual costs will be the official permits that you will need. You will have to pay for permits to be allowed to install the septic tank. Calling your local Town Hall and inquiring about that should provide you with an idea about the fees involved.
You should start off by asking your friends and neighbors about the price that they had to pay for their septic systems. Ask them about the companies that they used, the quality of the service and construction that those companies provided. One of the other most important sources is your local realtors. They are in the business and have an idea about the prices that companies charge to install various fixtures, including septic tanks. They often have to install septic tanks in houses before re-selling them; they are your best bet for professional and non-partisan advice.

Maintenance Costs of a New Septic System

Typical costs for the annual maintenance of septic systems, the drain field and of mound septic systems range from $30 to $500. Depending on your location, $500 may not even be the upper end of the range. Usually costs are this high only if you must replace pumps and other fittings, which itself happens only once every few years or decades. The standard gravity-fed tank and trench systems generally need to be inspected and pumped every 1-3 years. The normal septic tank pumping cost is about $75-$350. For septic systems with sand and peat filters or with wetlands construction, the annual costs range between $50 and $1,700, depending on the monitoring requirements and discharge methods.
A typical septic system lasts for decades, on average about 20-40 years. Throughout this time, some will need their pumps and other fixtures replaced and/or repaired. New septic system costs can vary greatly. The maintenance costs of a septic tank are dependant not only the tank itself, but also on the care and educated management with which it is treated. A new home owner should educate themselves on the proper care of a septic system in order to benefit from the least expensive and most trouble-free system possible.

What is Septic Seep?

The process of septic seeping was invented in 1953 in the laboratory of Chevron-Ortho by wastewater and soils specialists. Septic Seep is a chemical that arrives in your drain field and interacts with the soils to reduce the occurrence of hardpan soil situations. Septic Seep mechanism of action is similar to that enzymes and bacteria, but there are no enzymes or bacteria in the product. The active ingredient is Calcium Polysulfide.
The system has gained a lot of acclaim among thousands of customers who have installed and used it with positive results. If you think you might need to replace your drain field try Septic Seep first because it is much more affordable and can potentially solve your problem. For an average home with 3 occupants and 2 bathrooms, the septic system can process around 85,000 gallons of wastewater per year. The wastewater is passed from the septic tank into the septic drain field where bacteria inhabitating the soils will purify the greywater.
In regards to your septic tank, you will have set some firm rules in your household. For instance, you will create problems when using chemicals such as sodium detergents, cleaning soaps and water softeners. These chemicals will cause clay debris in the soil to tightly bond making it impermeable to water. You will also encounter a problem when expelling to much grease. The grease will form a tar-like layer known as Biomat. When the layer thickens, it becomes an impermeable barrier that stops water absorption in the soil resulting into soil floods. The problems continue to multiply when the Biomat kills the helpful bacteria leaving the water to flood the drain field surface (this is called septic tank failure). According to the manufacturers of Septic Seep, their product will fix all of the above problems in many cases.
Septic Seep

Using Septic Seep In Your Home

It is simple to use a septic seep in your septic system. A average septic system will use at least half a gallon ofSeptic Seep every 6 months. All you have to do is pour Septic Seep down a sink drain or flush it down the toilet. If your septic system has been neglected (no septic tank emptying) in recent memory, then it is recommend that you use a full gallon of Septic Seep in the first round of treatment and later on use two cups for every week for a month. Then reduce the dose to 1 cup per week indefinitely to keep your system running without problems. For seepage and cesspools pits, half a gallon is enough for the first treatment followed by 1 cup per every pit for two consecutive weeks.
Some crystallization will occur in Septic Seep that has been stored for extended periods of time. The product is still good. All you have to do is break up the crystals, mix with water and flush down the drain. In the septic tank, the crystals will fully dissolve and Septic Seep will go to the drain field where it will treat the soil.
If Septic Seep sounds like it may help you then I encourage you to visit their website for more information.

How to Properly Pump Your Septic Tank

As a matter of hygiene, septic tanks need to be clean and well-maintained at all times; however, there are many people who do not care much about this important responsibility. One of the most important steps towards a well-maintained septic system is learning how to pump your septic tank; or better yet, how to find the phone number of the septic contractor that will empty the system for you.

A lot of the material that is sent to your septic tanks stays at the bottom of the tank in the form of sludge. If the septic tank is not cleaned for a considerable duration of time, the septic tank can overflow or back up into your house. You should empty your septic tank every 1 to 3 years, depending on how many people live your household and how big the tank is. The septic tank pumping cost is a few hundred dollars. If you do not have septic risers installed the costs may be even higher because the contractor will have to do extra work.
There are chemicals on the market that can speed up the digestion of organic matter in your septic tank, but they are not a replacement for emptying the tank. They may however, allow you to wait longer between cleaning. Feel free to learn more about these septic tank cleaners.
How to Pump Septic Tank
When learning how to pump your septic tank you will quickly learn that when disposing your waste products, not everything should be put down the drain. For example, grease, insecticides, sanitary products, oils, paints and tampons should never be flushed down the toilet or the sink. Even food from a food-disposal systems should not be used unless you have a sewage grinder pump installed. Only human excrement are recommended for draining because that is what septic systems are designed to handle. Review the septic tank diagram for a quick refresher on the design of these systems.
Cleaning a full septic tank is not an easy task; there are specially designed tools used for this purpose; most notably, the septic tank pumping truck. Pumping the septic tanks is the most effective method of cleaning as it removes any trace of sludge, mud, and debris remnants that usually prevent your system from functioning properly. To make sure your septic tank maintains a healthy flow, proper pumping of the tank should be practiced every 1 to 3 years. To make sure you are doing thing rights, you may ask for assistance from your local health officers. They will provide you with necessary information on how to properly pump your septic tank and how often it should be done.
A good habit to develop is inspecting your septic system from time to time. By so doing you will make sure cracked pipes and leaks are detected and repaired early before they cause major problems. Qualified contractors can conduct septic tank inspections for you and they are readily available via the phone book and the internet. If the problem is something you can manage without calling contractors, you can go ahead and save yourself the time and inspection fee before letting in the health personnel to come and conduct their own check up.
One of the best ways to save money on your septic tank maintenance is learning about how to pump septic tanks. That way you will know what is and what is not allowed to enter your septic tank.

How Do I Remove Tree Roots From My Sewer Lines?

There are many benefits to be gained from trees once they are planted in the right location. On the other hand, if they are located near sewer lines they will become more of a nuisance than anything else; tree roots and sewer lines don’t mix. Tree roots are excellent at locating water and will travel several feet to locate the nourishment they need. Upon locating the sewer line, which for them is a steady water source, they will cause problems for the entire sewer system. If neglected you will need to hire a plumber or get the roots out the system. As with most things, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Prevent the problem from the beginning rather than try to fix it after it has happened.

Problem Solving When Tree Roots and Sewer Lines DO Mix

Most plumbers will suggest that you snake the drainpipe to remove as many roots as possible. Following that, apply a solution of copper sulfate to prevent roots from growing in again. You can find copper sulfate crystals in feed store’s and hardware stores. Simply spread the crystals in the soil around the sewer lines and roots will be discouraged. Sometimes just finding the sewer lines can be too difficult for the average homeowner. If that’s the case for you then I suggest hiring a plumber to help you find them.
Picture showing tree roots in a sewer line.  The tree roots were left unchecked and broke the pipe.
Picture showing tree roots in a sewer line. The tree roots were left unchecked and broke the pipe.
Once the line has been located, remove the plug and pour the copper sulfate solution into it. Make the solution using hot water which will melt the crystals faster. It will require several applications to see results. Most plumbers recommend that the solution be reapplied every four months in a long-term effort to prevent root growth. Another option is to use a foaming copper sultfate agent which will completely coat the insides of the sewer lines.
We all know that trees ‘drink’ through their roots; however, when they find their way to the sewer line then they will create serious issues. To prevent this from happening and still allowing trees to find alternate water sources to live on you will need to encourage the roots to look elsewhere. Copper sulfate is one of the safest ways of doing just that, but don’t over do it. You don’t want to contaminate the drinking water of animals or humans with too much copper sulfate. Whenever you are planning to plant a tree, just remember, tree roots and sewer lines don’t mix.

There Are Two Types of Septic Tank Diagram

When someone wants to have a septic tank diagram they mean one of two things. Either a map of where your septic tank is located on your property or technical diagram describing and showing the parts of a septic system.
Let’s talk a little more about the first one: the map.
Why do we even want a map to our septic tank? If you’re like most people, you know what aseptic tank smells like and you would rather it stay buried in the ground so you can’t see it or smell it. Well, here are some reasons why you may want to keep a septic tank diagram in a safe place.
  • During a septic tank inspection the inspector will need to locate the septic tank. If you have a map, it’s easy. However, if you do not have a map then the inspector has to find the tank and that will cost you extra.
  • If you want to save yourself a few dollars you could do your own septic tank maintenance, but only if you know where the septic tank is.
  • You want to extend your driveway, so you unknowingly pave right on over your septic tank and septic drainfield. Big mistake, since that eliminates access and encourages septic tank failure because those components are not designed withstand such weight.
I could go on, but I think you catch my drift: you need a septic tank diagram showing you where the tank and the drain field are located!
Below is an example of a map showing the where the septic components are located.
Septic Tank Property Diagram Showing Where On The Property The Septic Tank Is
Now let’s talk about the second kind of septic tank diagram: the technical drawing.
The picture below is a example of a septic tank drawing. Most septic tanks are buried in the ground, they are made of either plastic, fiberglass or, most commonly, concrete and they are water tight.
Septic Tank Parts Diagram Showing the Parts of an Average Septic Tank
Water enters the septic tank from the house plumbing through the Inlet Tee. The solids that enter with the water sink to the bottom forming the "sludge" and the grease and oil floats to the surface forming the "scum". The remaining wastewater, also called greywater, exits from the Outlet Tee and makes it way to the septic drain field.
The purpose of the technical septic tank diagram is to help the homeowner understand how their septic system works. If it is a diagram that the contractor who installed the tank gave you then it will probably tell you the volume of the septic tank, how far the drainfield is from the tank, what the tank is made of, etc.
If you are buying a house then you should request to have a copy of the septic tank diagram. The realtor or the previous owner of the house should have one on hand. If not, then a septic tank diagram can be drawn up for a fee.

Detecting a Septic Tank Alarm False Alarm

it is recommended that any septic system that moves septic effluent from a septic tank to a drain field has a septic tank alarm in place. The alarm should be located in your house so that if it does sound, you will be able to hear it.
If you recently moved into a newly built home there is a chance that there is a septic tank alarm installed already. If you hear a beeping/buzzing sound or a red light flashing somewhere in your home, your basement or in your yard it may be indicated that your septic tank pump is malfunctioning.
The alarm sounds when septic effluent (wastewater) is not being pumped to the drain field. When you hear or see the alarm, you should call a septic tank pumping company immediately to avoid the septic effluent backing up into your house. The septic tank pumping cost is much lower than the cost of renovating a basement that was destroyed by septic effluent.
Septic Tank Alarm Schematic
Septic Tank Alarm Schematic
There is more than one situation that can cause aseptic tank alarm to sound. If you know what the reasons are then you may be able to save yourself a lot of work and some money.
  1. The power may have been disconnected from the septic tank pump by accident
  2. Are you properly maintaining your septic tank pump – a septic tank pump will usually last only 10-15 years
  3. It may be possible that the lines in your septic tank drain field are clogged, causing the water to back up and not drain properly
  4. Is your septic tank pumped out on a regular basis (every 1-3 years)?
  5. Was there a power outage in your area that could have created a false alarm?
Never ignore the septic tank alarm because it could result in septic tank failure and a septic effluent backing up into your house. That is never a good situation. If you do not yet have a septic tank alarm installed on your septic tank system look into getting one. It can save you a lot of time, a lot of backbreaking labor and costly repairs.
Below you will find listings for septic tank alarms over at The prices range between $50 USD and $400 USD. I encourage you to visit Amazon just to read the reviews of each product so that you can make a more informed decision when you decide to buy.

Various Septic Tank Alarm Models

Septic Tank Risers – The Ultimate Back Savers

if you are new to septic tanks you may wonder what a septic tank riser is. A septic tank riser is essentially a connection between the septic tank and the surface of your yard. Septic tanks are usually buried a few feet underground for health and safety reasons. Tucking them underground also prevents the spread of septic odors. Having a septic riser installed allows your tank to be buried a few feet underground while still allowing easy access for when it needs to be pumped, maintained or inspected. I have had the unfortunate experience of needing my septic tank pumped, before I had a septic riser installed. It took me a few hours to dig down to the top of the septic tank and that was the easy part. I then had to find location the septic tank lid, so I kept digging around and eventually I found it. I had the guy who pumped my septic tank install a riser the next day. Now that I have the riser installed future pumpings will be a lot less work for me.
Septic tank risers come in three different materials: concrete, PVC, and polyethylene.
Concrete Septic Tank Risers
Concrete Septic Tank Riser

Concrete Septic Tank Riser

The concrete septic tank riser is probably the cheapest kind and is also one of the most difficult to install because of its weight. The lid is also made of solid concrete and it is too heavy and cumbersome to remove each time the tank has to be inspected or pumped. Depending on your landscaping the concrete septic tank riser may be hard to look at, unless your backyard is entirely concrete. Concrete risers have also been known to leak and decompose over the years. The disadvantages clearly outweigh the benefits and for this reason people tend to avoid concrete septic tank risers.

Polyethylene Septic Tank Riser

Polyethylene Septic Tank Riser
Polyethylene Septic Tank Riser
The polyethylene septic tank risers are quite popular; however, it is difficult to seal the connection between the riser and the concrete septic tank. This is can cause all kinds of problems if your septic tank ended up over flowing.

PVC Septic Tank Riser

That brings us to our third choice: the PVC septic tank riser. This type is the most popular, it is easy to install, light weight and the edges are designed to make a tight seal with the septic tank’s surface. The only drawback is that it can cost a pretty penny; you get what you pay for.
PVC Septic Tank Riser
PVC Septic Tank Riser

The type of septic tank riser you select is personal preference and you will want to select a type that somehow fits into your landscaping. If you have a lot of concrete in your landscaping then a concrete lid sticking out of the ground would not be such a big deal. You do also have the option of covering the lid completely with something aesthetic like gravel or paving tile. Keep in mind that the lid will have to be uncovered when a septic tank is pumped so do not place anything permanent on top of the septic tank riser.
As I mentioned earlier, after I dug out my septic tank lid, a septic tank servicing company came and pumped my septic tank. While they were there, I had them install a septic tank riser (PVC) at the same time. It took them about 10 minutes to install the riser, seeing as I had already done all the back-breaking labor by digging the septic tankvout, the riser was really no problem. If you want to install a septic tank riser and money is an issue keep in mind that the septic tank contractors do charge quite a hefty hourly wage. In my case it was not so expensive because I spent the hours digging, they did not.
There are some places where having a septic tank riser is a legal requirement, so if you live in those areas then the contractor who installed the septic tank probably installed the riser as well. Another advantage of having a septic riser is that you know exactly where your septic tank is.
Even if the septic tank riser is not required in your area I strongly recommend that you have one installed because they make your life a lot easier. Perhaps not easier in the sense of “everyday life” but when things go wrong they tend to go wrong at the worst possible time and during the worst possible you do not want to be in the backyard for hours digging a hole in the dirt.
What Is A Sewage Grinder Pump and Do You Need One?

A sewage grinder pump is an important device used in many homes to aid in waste management. Sewage pump grinders help with the disposal of everything sent to the septic tank through sinks, bathtubs, showers, and toilets. The wastewater from all the appliances makes its way through the pipes and connects into the grinder pump storage system. Once a certain level of waste is in the grinder it will activate and grind the waste into fine slurry and pump it into the main septic system.

On the market today are the most commonly used sewage grinder pumps: the Centrifugal Grinder Pump and the Semi-Positive Displacement (SPD). What makes up a grinder pump system is the tank, the grinder/pump and the alarm panel. For most households, a pump having 1 to 2 horsepower is plenty. The grinder pump has sensors built in and attached on the exterior. The sensors detect how full the grinder pump tank is and if there are problems with the system.Homeowners they do not have too worry much about their sewage grinder pump malfunctioning allowing the waste to overflow because the sensors will detect it before it is a problem. The homeowner will then be alerted via the alarm panel and they can then fix the problem or call a septic system contractor to fix it.
Sewage Grinder Pump
Depending on the manufacturer, the materials used in manufacturing grinder holding tanks can vary but the most common types are constructed from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), fiberglass or fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP). All makes of sewage grinder pumps have an opening that serves as an inlet for the waste and a discharge outlet leading to the main septic tank. If you are installing this system into an existing house there is very good chance that you will have to modify the plumbing in order to incorporate a sewage grinder pump. There are also grinders that are large enough to be able to service multiple homes which are all connected to one grinder pump station and one septic tank system.

Advantages of a Sewage Grinder Pump

By grinding up the waste the surface area is increased which means that the bacteria and enzymes in the septic tank will be able to decompose the waste more quickly and efficiently. This may lead to fewer septic tank pumping calls. The alarm system for the alarm is a big advantage because you will be alerted to any problems so you do not have to constantly check the system. If you have a food-disposal unit in your kitchen sink (not recommended for normal septic tank setups) then the food will go through an additional grinding cycle making it easier to process.
As a final note, although sewage grinder pumps help a lot you still cannot send harmful chemicals down your drains; for example, sanitary products, kitty litter, oils, paints, etc.

Aerobic Septic System

Aerobic septic systems are not the same as standard septic systems because they use aerobic bacteria where as standard septic systems use anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria require oxygen and can work much faster than anaerobic bacteria, which means that they can dispose of more effluent in less time and therefore require less space. Another difference between the two septic systems is that the aerobic system requires electricity and therefore requires regular maintenance and has more costs associated with it. The electricity is used to power a mechanism that introduces the air into the effluent which the bacteria use to help in their digestion of the waste materials. Aerobic septic systems are often brought in to replace aging or failing anaerobic septic systems. An Aerobic septic system is also an option if you have limited space as they do not require a large piece of land to install like a traditional septic system does. Just so you know, sometimes an aerobic septic system is referred to as an aerator septic tank.

Aerobic Septic System Installation

When installing these units you have the option of installing them above ground or below ground. Whatever you decide, keep in mind that they require electrical connections and easy access for regular maintenance. You will also have to install a pretreatment set up, which the manufacturer will provide to you.

Aerobic Septic System Benefits/Costs

The cost of an aerobic system varies based on location, installation, size, design, and maintenance requirements. A good rule of thumb is that aerobic septic systems can cost two to three times as much as a traditional septic tank.
Savings created with an aerobic septic system are realized in a variety of ways. The aerobic units require less space and generally cause less groundwater pollution which is very important, especially if you live on well water. Savings can also be realized when the life of a drain fields is extended through the supplemental use of an aerobic system. If you’re drainage field ends up failing it can cost you tens of thousands of dollars to fix, so taking a load of the drainage field’s back can save you a lot.
One of the leading causes of septic system failure is lint from washing machines. For this reason all septic systems are required to have a washing machine (lint) filter. Having a lint filter is even more important with an aerobic septic system because they have tiny filters in them which are very easily clogged with lint. You will find that many manufacturers say that their systems do not require lint filters, but do not be fooled. They just do not want their system to look inferior compared to their competitor’s. If they are being honest, they will tell you that all septic systems require a lint filter. If they insist that you do not need a lint filter make sure that YOU insist upon one. At the end of the day it is your hard-earned money that you are investing in the septic system and you want it to last as long as possible.

Aerobic System Limitations

Aerobic septic systems require more upfront investment and more maintenance in the long term than a standard septic system. If you neglect your system or turn it off the treatment quality diminishes. If you pour harmful chemicals down the drain or the temperature in the aerobic tank is to low you will also be reducing the treatment quality. The aerobic bacteria will reduce the effluent’s ammonia contents but the nitrate content may be increased. So you may have to have a system that treats the effluent for nitrate.

Aerobic Septic System Codes and Regulations

Check with your local health department because aerobic systems are not allowed in all areas. Some areas do not want the drain field area to be reduced which will happen if you use an aerobic septic system; however, other jurisdictions do allow drain filed reduction or even its elimination as long as you have pre-treatment. You will find that in some areas aerobic systems are being used on a trial basis or only in the event of a failed standard septic system. NSF/ANSI 40 – 2000 Standard for Residential Water Treatment Systems documentation outlines the requirements and the approval process for aerobic septic systems. The approval for a aerobic units comes from local health departments or state authorities. Some requirements include alarms installed in the aerobic system to alert the homeowner of malfunctions and two years of manufacturer maintenance service.

Availability of Aerobic Systems

There are only a handful of aerobic treatment system manufacturers but the demand is increasing with the increasing demand for higher quality water treatment.

General information About Aerobic Systems

Generally an aerobic septic system is used when a standard septic system fails. There are times when a standard septic system with a drainage field cannot be installed because space requirements cannot be met. In that case an aerobic system is used in its place. Other situations in which aerobic treatment units are recommended include poor soil quality, bedrock or groundwater near the surface, large amounts of organic matter to be disposed of and the need for high quality water treatment in areas that are environmentally sensitive. Aerobic treatment systems provide higher-quality waste treatment because of the aerobic bacteria in conjunction with the air injection mechanisms.

Aerobic Septic System Designs

There are a variety of designs but they all have common features. These features include an aeration process, final disinfection/treatment, an area for suspended growth systems to operate, and pre-treatment to reduce the amount of clogging from solids. There are two main internal designs for aerobic systems, one is called “suspended growth” and the other is called “attached growth”. In the suspended growth design air is forced into the chamber which mixes with the liquids and the bacteria are suspended freely in the air/liquid solution. In the attached growth methods, the bacteria are attached to a surface that is alternately exposed to liquid and air.
Aerobic Septic Tank
Failing septic systems are a large concern because there is a heavy financial burden and environmental fallout associated with them. Throughout this country a large number of septic systems are failing and the financial costs as I said earlier can be in the tens of thousands of dollars. I am glad that you are doing your research into aerobic septic systems both for the benefits to the environment and the benefits for your bank account. There is one more thing you should know however, if you live in a house where the septic tank or septic tanks have failed you will not be able to sell the house until the septic systems are repaired and once again fully functional. In this case, it may be quicker, easier and cheaper to retrofit your failed system with an aerobic septic system if you are allowed to do so in your area. If you are not allowed, you may have to bite the bullet and pay up to have your system repaired and then sell your house.