Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What is Septic Seep?

The process of septic seeping was invented in 1953 in the laboratory of Chevron-Ortho by wastewater and soils specialists. Septic Seep is a chemical that arrives in your drain field and interacts with the soils to reduce the occurrence of hardpan soil situations. Septic Seep mechanism of action is similar to that enzymes and bacteria, but there are no enzymes or bacteria in the product. The active ingredient is Calcium Polysulfide.
The system has gained a lot of acclaim among thousands of customers who have installed and used it with positive results. If you think you might need to replace your drain field try Septic Seep first because it is much more affordable and can potentially solve your problem. For an average home with 3 occupants and 2 bathrooms, the septic system can process around 85,000 gallons of wastewater per year. The wastewater is passed from the septic tank into the septic drain field where bacteria inhabitating the soils will purify the greywater.
In regards to your septic tank, you will have set some firm rules in your household. For instance, you will create problems when using chemicals such as sodium detergents, cleaning soaps and water softeners. These chemicals will cause clay debris in the soil to tightly bond making it impermeable to water. You will also encounter a problem when expelling to much grease. The grease will form a tar-like layer known as Biomat. When the layer thickens, it becomes an impermeable barrier that stops water absorption in the soil resulting into soil floods. The problems continue to multiply when the Biomat kills the helpful bacteria leaving the water to flood the drain field surface (this is called septic tank failure). According to the manufacturers of Septic Seep, their product will fix all of the above problems in many cases.
Septic Seep

Using Septic Seep In Your Home

It is simple to use a septic seep in your septic system. A average septic system will use at least half a gallon ofSeptic Seep every 6 months. All you have to do is pour Septic Seep down a sink drain or flush it down the toilet. If your septic system has been neglected (no septic tank emptying) in recent memory, then it is recommend that you use a full gallon of Septic Seep in the first round of treatment and later on use two cups for every week for a month. Then reduce the dose to 1 cup per week indefinitely to keep your system running without problems. For seepage and cesspools pits, half a gallon is enough for the first treatment followed by 1 cup per every pit for two consecutive weeks.
Some crystallization will occur in Septic Seep that has been stored for extended periods of time. The product is still good. All you have to do is break up the crystals, mix with water and flush down the drain. In the septic tank, the crystals will fully dissolve and Septic Seep will go to the drain field where it will treat the soil.
If Septic Seep sounds like it may help you then I encourage you to visit their website for more information.

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